EJ Khatib, R Barco, I Serrano, P Muñoz, LTE performance data reduction for knowledge acquisition GO
EJ Khatib, R Barco, A Gómez-Andrades, I Serrano, Diagnosis based on genetic fuzzy algorithms for LTE self-healing IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology GO
EJ Khatib, R Barco, A Gómez-Andrades, P Munoz, I Serrano, Data mining for fuzzy diagnosis systems in LTE networks Expert Systems with Applications GO
A Gómez-Andrades, P Muñoz, EJ Khatib, I de-la-Bandera, I Serrano, R Barco, Methodology for the design and evaluation of self-healing LTE networks IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology GO
EJ Khatib, R Barco, P Muñoz, I De La Bandera, I Serrano, Self-healing in mobile networks with big data IEEE Communications Magazine GO
P Munoz, I De La Bandera, EJ Khatib, A Gómez-Andrades, I Serrano, R Barco, Root cause analysis based on temporal analysis of metrics toward self-organizing 5G networks IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology GO
D Palacios, EJ Khatib, R Barco, Combination of multiple diagnosis systems in self-healing networks Expert Systems with Applications GO
EJ Khatib, R Barco, P Muñoz, I Serrano, Knowledge acquisition for fault management in LTE networks Wireless Personal Communications GO
EJ Khatib, A Gómez-Andrades, I Serrano, R Barco, Modelling LTE solved troubleshooting cases Journal of Network and Systems Management GO
P Muñoz, R Barco, E Cruz, A Gómez-Andrades, EJ Khatib, N Faour, A method for identifying faulty cells using a classification tree-based UE diagnosis in LTE EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking GO
EJ Khatib, R Barco, I Serrano, Degradation detection algorithm for lte root cause analysis Wireless Personal Communications GO
IS GARCIA, RB MORENO, EJ KHATIB, PM LUENGO, IDLB Cascales, Fault diagnosis in networks GO
D Palacios, EJ Khatib, I Kovács, B Soret, I De-La-Bandera, R Barco, Dynamic multipath connection for low-latency vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications GO
I Rodriguez, RS Mogensen, EJ Khatib, G Berardinelli, P Mogensen, O Madsen, C M{\o}ller, On the Design of a Wireless MES Solution for the Factories of the Future GO
E Kosmatos, C Ntogkas, O Zekai, EJ Khatib, G Berardinelli, S Fortes, E Baena, C Baena, R Barco, C Collineau, o others, ONE5G Prototyping Activities Supporting Vertical Scenarios in Megacities and Underserved Areas GO
EJ Khatib, DA Wassie, G Berardinelli, I Rodriguez, P Mogensen, Multi-connectivity for ultra-reliable communication in industrial scenarios GO
J Martín, EJ Khatib, P Lázaro, R Barco, Traffic monitoring via mobile device location Sensors GO
EJ Khatib, Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery for Root Cause Analysis in LTE Self-Organizing Networks. GO
J Mendoza, D Palacios, I de-la-Bandera, E Baena, EJ Khatib, R Barco, Modeling the UE-perceived cellular network performance following a controller-based approach EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking GO
D Segura, EJ Khatib, R Barco-Moreno, o others, Evaluación de numerologías 5G para URLLC GO
HQ Luo Chen, CS Álvarez-Merino, EJ Khatib, R Barco-Moreno, o others, Time-dependent KPI generation based on Copula GO
CS Álvarez-Merino, HQ Luo Chen, EJ Khatib, R Barco-Moreno, o others, Fusion of LTE and UWB ranges for trilateration GO
Y Wang, M Nekovee, EJ Khatib, R Barco, Machine learning/AI as IoT enablers Wireless Networks and Industrial IoT: Applications, Challenges and Enablers GO
HQ Luo Chen, E Jatib Khatib, JR Suárez Peña, R Barco-Moreno, Método de Análisis Temporal para Root Cause Analysis en Redes Móviles GO
EJK M{\textordfeminine} Ángeles Castillo Díaz, Prevención del suicidio a través de la tecnología BIG DATA GO
EJK Ma Ángeles Castillo Díaz, Tecnologías Big Data aplicadas a la prevención de suicidios GO
RB Emil J. Khatib, Smartphone-based traffic estimation in Smart Cities GO
EJ Khatib, R Barco, Optimization of 5G networks for smart logistics Energies GO
D Segura, EJ Khatib, J Munilla, R Barco, 5G numerologies assessment for URLLC in industrial communications Sensors GO
CS Alvarez-Merino, HQ Luo-Chen, EJ Khatib, R Barco, Opportunistic fusion of ranges from different sources for indoor positioning IEEE Communications Letters GO
EJ Khatib, MJ Perles Roselló, J Miranda-Páez, V Giralt, R Barco, Mass tracking in cellular networks for the COVID-19 pandemic monitoring Sensors GO
HQ Luo-Chen, CS Alvarez-Merino, EJ Khatib, R Barco, Method for Artificial KPI Generation With Realistic Time-Dependent Behaviour IEEE Communications Letters GO
J Mendoza, I de-la-Bandera, CS Álvarez-Merino, EJ Khatib, J Alonso, S Casalderrey-Díaz, R Barco, 5G for Construction: Use cases and solutions Electronics GO
CS Álvarez-Merino, HQ Luo-Chen, EJ Khatib, R Barco, WiFi FTM, UWB and cellular-based radio fusion for indoor positioning Sensors GO
D Segura, EJ Khatib, R Barco, Dynamic packet duplication for industrial URLLC Sensors GO
NH Mahmood, G Berardinelli, EJ Khatib, R Hashemi, C De Lima, M Latva-aho, A functional architecture for 6g special-purpose industrial iot networks IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics GO
CS Álvarez-Merino, EJ Khatib, HQ Luo-Chen, JL Michel, S Casalderrey-Díaz, J Alonso, R Barco, WiFi FTM and UWB characterization for localization in construction sites Sensors GO
D Segura, J Munilla, EJ Khatib, R Barco, 5G early data transmission (Rel-16): Security review and open issues IEEE Access GO
D Segura, EJ Khatib, J Munilla, R Barco, NB-IoT latency evaluation with real measurements GO
CS Álvarez-Merino, EJ Khatib, HQ Luo-Chen, R Barco, Victim detection and localization in emergencies Sensors GO
D Segura, EJ Khatib, R Barco, Evaluation of Mobile Network Slicing in a Logistics Distribution Center arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12482 GO
CS Álvarez-Merino, HQ Luo Chen, J Llanes Michel, EJ Khatib, R Barco-Moreno, o others, Caracterización de UWB y WiFi FTM en obras GO
EJ Khatib, CS Alvarez-Merino, HQ Luo-Chen, RB Moreno, Designing a 6G testbed for location: Use cases, challenges, enablers and Requirements IEEE Access GO
HQ Luo Chen, EJ Khatib, D Sethi, E Cruz, A Arostegui, R Martín, R Barco-Moreno, o others, Localización de usuarios con coordenadas polares. GO
D Segura Ramos, SB Damsgaard, P Mogensen, EJ Khatib, R Barco-Moreno, o others, Comparativa empírica del rendimiento de 5G y Wi-Fi en un escenario industrial de interior. GO
G Solmaz, R Barco, S Bartoletti, A Conti, N Decarli, Y Filippas, A Giani, EJ Khatib, OY Kolawole, T Mach, o others, Location and Analytics for Verticals Positioning and Location-based Analytics in 5G and Beyond GO
S Bartoletti, CS Álvarez-Merino, R Barco, H Chen, A Conti, Y Filippas, D Giustiniano, CAG Vega, M Hunukumbure, F Jiang, o others, Positioning Methods Positioning and Location-based Analytics in 5G and Beyond GO
CS Álvarez-Merino, EJ Khatib, AT Muñoz, R Barco, Exploring Indoor Localization for Smart Education arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09815 GO
CS Alvarez-Merino, EJ Khatib, HQ Luo-Chen, AT Muñoz, R Barco, Evaluation and Comparison of 5G, WiFi and fusion with incomplete maps for Indoor Localization IEEE Access GO
D Segura, SB Damsgaard, A Kabaci, P Mogensen, EJ Khatib, R Barco, An Empirical Study of 5G, Wi-Fi 6 and Multi-Connectivity Scalability in an Indoor Industrial Scenario IEEE Access GO